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Saturday, July 30, 2011

School Fever has hit BIG time

I would consider this my first real post that actually talks about me prepping for school. I love going to my classroom when the school is literally in vacation. I feel like I have the school to myself. I had to move ALL my furniture out in the hall so the custodians could wax and then, the next day...I had to move it all back in. But the good part is that I was able to reearrange my room.
One of my favorite things to do to get prepped for school is to make my organizational notebook that the kids will use and create the labels, etc. So, here is my cover and my labels via google docs! This is my first attempt at a freebie!

MONSTER labels

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Kindergarten is where it's at. Two turntables and a microphone.

I am super stoked to have finally started a kindergarten blog. I dabbled in the blog pond a few years ago but ran out of inspiration. The main reason being I was trying to write about something I am not good "at":home improvement- A.K.A. trying to be Martha. Yeah, I failed. But, I am good at kindergarten. You are supposed to write about what you know about, correct? So, here I be.
I am working on a Mo Willems unit and I hope to have it posted soon. I am also teaching a workshop this summer and have found so much inspiration on the web! I want to share my cool things as a way of giving back to the pioneer teacher bloggers.